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“Strength Explorer” Personality Type on Naviance

Strength Explorer  

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Found on Naviance, “Strength Explorer” is a personality inventory that directs students to colleges that offer an educational path to those careers. These career suggestions include Department of Labor information such as educational requirements and salary data. Also included are multimedia presentations describing careers in detail.

Sophomore Year

  • All students are given instructions on completing “Strength Explorer”, a personality inventory, found on Naviance.
  • FHS Counselors have a Guidance Lesson through 10th Grade English classes showing students how to interpret the results of this personality inventory.
  • Directing them to possible career fields in the areas of interest

Junior Year

  • Students may re-visit their “Strength Explorer” results to begin searching for colleges that match their interests.
    • Each career and related fields are directly linked to possible college majors.
    • Using Naviance there are direct links from the list of these college majors to actual colleges that offer those majors.
    • Naviance also provides direct links to college websites for more in-depth investigation.

book cover: Do What You AreFurther information on “Strength Explorer”, may be found in the book, written by Paul Tieger, available online from booksellers and at: