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How to Accept An Offer of Admission

How to Accept An Offer of Admission

You have now applied and received admissions decisions from the colleges to which you have applied. All colleges must inform students of their admissions decisions by mid-April. After you have received all of your admissions decisions, as well as offers of financial aid, it is time to make a final decision. Students should consider their priorities, options and choose the college that best matches what you are looking for in a school.  Once you make your decision, you should complete the following steps of informing the colleges of your decision.

  1. After you have made your choice, you need to inform the college of your choice that you are accepting their offer. This response needs to be mailed by May 1st, which is the universal reply deadline. A deposit may also be required to secure your place. Also check regarding deposits required for housing.
  2. It is unethical for a student to accept admission to more than one institution. This is called “double depositing” and it is grounds for an institution to rescind a student’s admission.
  3. Next you need to inform all the other college to which you have been accepted that you have decided to go elsewhere. Once again, this needs to be completed by May 1st.
  4. It is important that you inform colleges and universities that you will not be attending their institutions. This will allow colleges to offer the place they were holding for you to a student on their waitlist.
  5. Students should only remain on a waitlist if they are truly interested in attending that college.  You should not remain on the wait list just to see if you will be admitted.